Rent Your Home Guaranteed Rent FAQ's

When Should You Expect to Get Your Security Deposit Back?

When do we return the security deposit? There are a few things you need to know.

First of all, the Hawaii Statute for the Landlord-Tenant Code requires the security deposit to be returned within 14 days. I must also notify you within 14 days about quotes for repairs or cleaning that may not have been done when you moved out.

To move this process along, you can make sure that you get the home professionally cleaned, the carpet professionally cleaned, and keep the receipts. You should only clean the carpet after all items have been removed from the home.

Those two things alone will save you a lot of time. If I have to find a professional cleaning service for you, it would be at a competitive rate and I would quote you ahead of time. Still, that could delay things.

Professionally cleaning the home and carpet will save you a lot of time.

We will do a final walkthrough. Remember, the day you turn your keys over to me is the last day you are charged for rent. If you go over your time, you will be charged for that rent. For example, if you say you will be out by the 30th and don’t leave until the 2nd, you will be assessed two prorated days out of the deposit if you go over the lease date.

Since there is too much gray area for us to judge “professionally clean,” starting in 2016, all of our leases require a tenant to have renters insurance and have the unit professionally cleaned when they leave.

If you have any other questions about your security deposit, give me a call or send me an email. I would be happy to help you!